vendredi 27 février 2015

indexOf keeps returning -1 Javascript

For the life me of I can't figure out why indexOf cant find the number in the array. It keeps returning -1. My goal is to ban a noun and put it into a ban array list, the list must be unique. So each element in the array must be different. Since I keep getting -1, my while loop is never executing.

Can anyone please explain to me what I'm doing wrong!

if( useA < 101 && totalAs < 5){
article1Num = 4; // A
noun1Num = [Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)];
//^^^ random number to try use

// Code to check if number is ban
alert("Test Noun1Num is " + noun1Num);
//^^^^ITS ALWAYS -1 !!!!!!! EVEN if there is a match!
while (bannedNounsTest.indexOf(parseInt(noun1Num)) >= 0 ) {
// ^^^searching the value of the current noun in ban, -1 if none
alert("In Loop and noun1Num is " + noun1Num);
noun1Num = [Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)];
// ^^looking for new number not in index while


bannedNounsTest.push(noun1Num); // put in ban list

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