samedi 31 janvier 2015

Angular JS directives doesn’t work in visualforce(salesforce)?

Inside a visual force page (as a container), I have created a custom directive in angular JS but it’s not working. In fact, the directive is not even being called! Though this works perfectly fine in the JSFiddle

Below is the custom directive.When I use this directive in the HTML markup, it never show anything on the console log. I have created multiple directives and seeing the same behavior. I believe there is a bug when using custom directives inside the visualforce container.Has anyone of you have faced the same issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks! -SS


Here is the JSFiddle for Custom directive that works fine but when I use it in visual force page, it doesn’t work.( Even though the directive has a console.log, nothing appears in console. This proves that the directive is not being called)

Please note: This directive strips off everything before and after underscore in the OppName. For example: If OppName is “111111_Test_123445" then output is “Test"

Here is the visual force page and a controller:


<apex:page docType="html-5.0" controller="SalesActions">
<script src="//"/>
<apex:includeScript value=""/>
<!-- HTML FOR APP -->
<!-- To use bootstrap with visualforce everything needs to be wrapped with "bs" class-->
<div ng-app="salesApp" class="bs">
<div ng-controller="salesController">

<div ng-repeat="sfResult in salesforceResponse">
<tr ng-repeat="opp in sfResult.opportunities">
<span opp-name="" input="opp.Name">

<!-- ACTUAL ANGULAR JS APP : Later on move this to salesworkspace.js-->
<script type = "text/javascript">
var ngApp = angular.module('salesApp', []);
//Opp Name directive
ngApp.directive('oppName', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
input: '='
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
console.log('Input: ', scope.input);
var input = scope.input;
if (!input) {
// AccountName_Test_123445
if (input.indexOf('_')) {
scope.input = input.split('_')[1];

ngApp.controller('salesController', ['$scope',
function($scope) {

$scope.salesforceResponse = [];
function(result, event) {
if (event.status) {
$scope.$apply(function() { //Use Apply as the scope changed outside Angular Context?
$scope.salesforceResponse = result;
} else {
} //End of function
]); //End of Controller method

CONTROLLER: salesActions.cls

public with sharing class SalesActions {

public SalesActions() { } // empty constructor

public static List<accountWrapper> getAllAccounts() {
List<accountWrapper> accountResponse = new List<accountWrapper>();
List<account> accs = [SELECT Id, Name, Type, Strategic_Account_Management__c,
(SELECT Id FROM Opportunities) ,
(SELECT Name FROM Contacts)
FROM Account
Order by Name]; //Add a Filter here. WHERE ownerId = :Userinfo.getUserId();

Set<Id> accountIds = new Set<Id>();
for(account acc : accs) {

Map<Id,Opportunity> oppIdToOpp = new Map<Id,Opportunity>([
SELECT Id,Name, Account.Name, Agency__r.Name, Campaign_EVENT__c,Rate_Type__c,StageName,Amount,CurrencyISOCode,
(SELECT SplitAmount, SplitOwner.Name,SplitPercentage, Split__c FROM OpportunitySplits)
FROM Opportunity WHERE AccountId IN :accountIds]// Remove WHERE AccountId =:accountId and Add WHERE account.ownerId=:UserInfo.getId();

Map<Id,List<Partner>> accountIdToPartners = new Map<Id,List<Partner>>();
for(Partner p :[SELECT AccountFromId,AccountTo.Name FROM Partner WHERE AccountFromId IN :accountIds]) {
if(accountIdToPartners.containsKey(p.AccountFromId)) {
} else {
accountIdToPartners.put(p.AccountFromId, new List<Partner>{p});
for(Account acc : accs) {
accountWrapper accWrapper = new accountWrapper();
accWrapper.account = acc; // This will add all the accounts and related contacts
accWrapper.opportunities = new List<Opportunity>(); = new list<Partner>();
if(accountIdToPartners.containsKey(acc.Id)){ = accountIdToPartners.get(acc.Id);
for(Opportunity opp : acc.Opportunities) {
accWrapper.opportunities.add(oppIdToOpp.get(opp.Id)); // This will add all the opportunties and opportunitySplits
return accountResponse;

public class accountWrapper {
public Account account { get; set; }
public List<Partner> partners { get; set; }
public List<Opportunity> opportunities { get; set; }

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