mercredi 31 décembre 2014

LinkedIn Share button breaks Bootstrap Modal

We recently added the LinkedIn share button to a site of ours with Bootstrap. After some testing, we realized this script,, overwrites (at the very least) the Bootstrap functionality for the modals. I don't know if it overwrote any of its other functionality, because we were only looking at the modals.

Is LinkedIn aware of this issue, and is their a solution to the problem?


Yes, I was sent here by Linked-in. After posting to their forum, I was directed here by who I think is a site admin.

Here is some code:

<div class="modal fade" id="BlogEmail" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true">
****Modal content****

Nothing special, just a simple Bootstrap modal. And the trigger to open:

<a href="#" title="Subscribe by email"><i class="fa fa-envelope-o rl-blog-icon" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#BlogEmail"></i></a>

This works fine, as intended, until adding the Linkedin script. Once this is added:

<script src="//" type="text/javascript">
lang: en_US

The Modal functionality breaks. Typing the following in the console:





TypeError: undefined is not a function

The above does work when the Linked-in js is not included.

Another update:

I downloaded the file,, and found this:


and is used in this capacity (this is assigned to multiple vars/objects multiple times)


and the conflict


$_CONSTANTS is defined here:

so I downloaded this, and overrode it so it loaded my version.

and on line 830

(function(){$_CONSTANTS={ ... modal:"modal" ... };

so I replaced all property references from modal to modals in both files

this causes these two lines to break, on line 1172, so I commented them out


The sharing now works but the Bootstrap modal is still broken.

Going back to unmodified files,

The Bootstrap code that breaks is :

var manager = typeof this.options.manager === 'function' ? : this.options.manager;

manager = manager.appendModal ?
manager : $(manager).modalmanager().data('modalmanager');


I'm beginning to redefine the class definition of Modal to Modals, to see if I can get the conflict to go away, since the Bootstrap's code is more manageable. I'll update with what I find.

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