I am having trouble debugging my JavaScript webpage. I want to make the functions run correctly when it runs through the webpage. I am getting no errors in my console so I am not sure what I did wrong?
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://ift.tt/lH0Osb" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
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<title>CS 1301 JavaScript Lab </title>
<div align="center">
<h1> JavaScript</h1>
<div id ="function0">
<h2> letterGrade </h2>
<dd>grade - an integer/float representing the numerical grade</dd>
<dd>a String - ‘You made a(n) [letter grade].’</dd>
This is a function, using conditionals, that determines the letter grade from the numerical grade, passed in as
a parameter. ’<br/>
grade: <input type="text" id="yourValue"/>
<input type="button" value="Run Function" onClick="onClickFunc0()" />
function onClickFunc0()
var grade = document.getElementById('yourValue').value;
<!-- -->
<div id ="function1">
<h2> countLetter</h2>
<dd>aWord – a string representing a word</dd>
<dd>aLetter – a string representing the character to count in aWord</dd>
<dd>count – integer representing the number of times aLetter appears in aWord</dd>
This is a function that takes in a word and letter as parameters. The function will then count the
number of times that the letter appears in the word, using a loop.
aWord: <input type="text" id="word"/>
aLetter: <input type="text" id="letter"/>
<input type="button" value="Run Function" onClick="onClickFunc1()" />
function onClickFunc1()
var aWord = document.getElementById('word').value;
var aLetter = document.getElementById('letter').value;
<!-- -->
<div id ="function2">
<h2> eyeForI </h2>
<dd>aString – any string</dd>
<dd>The modified string</dd>
This is a function that takes in a string as a parameter. Replace every “I” and “i” in the string with
“eye” and return the resulting string by using a for loop.
aString: <input type="text" id="words"/>
<input type="button" value="Run Function" onClick="onClickFunc2()" />
function onClickFunc2()
var aString = document.getElementById('words').value;
<!-- -->
<div id ="function3">
<h2> wordMirror </h2>
<dd>aString – any string</dd>
<dd>The mirrored string (reversed)</dd>
This is a function that takes in a string as its only parameter. Then it returns a new string that
is the original string concatenated with the reflection of the original string (reverse the string).
aString: <input type="text" id="word2"/>
<input type="button" value="Run Function" onClick="onClickFunc3()" />
function onClickFunc3()
var aString = document.getElementById('word2').value;
<!-- -->
<div id ="function4">
<h2> encryption</h2>
<dd>aString – a string that you want to encrypt</dd>
This is a function that encrypts a words.
aString: <input type="text" id="encrypt"/>
<input type="button" value="Run Function" onClick="onClickFunc4()" />
function onClickFunc4()
var aString = document.getElementById('encrypt').value;
<!-- encryption(aString) -->
<!-- -->
<div id ="function5">
<h2> countDown</h2>
<dd>startNum – an integer that is the starting number to count down from</dd>
<dd>countBy– an integer that is the number you count down by</dd>
This is a function to count down from the first parameter (startNum) by the second parameter
(countBy). Then the function prints
the numbers from the given number to 1 (decreasing by the second
parameter each time) in descending order, with each number being printed
on its own line. </dd>
startNum: <input type="text" id="start2"/>
countBy: <input type="text" id="increment2"/>
<input type="button" value="Run Function" onClick="onClickFunc5()" />
function onClickFunc5()
var startNum = document.getElementById('start2').value;
var countBy = document.getElementById('increment2').value;
<!-- countDown(startNum, countBy) -->
<!-- -->
< var b = float(grade);
function letterGrade(grade) {
if (100>=b>=90) {
alert('You made a(n) A.');
} if (80 <=b <90) {
alert('You made a(n) B.');
} if (70<= b <80) {
alert('You made a(n) C.');
} if (60<= b < 70) {
alert('You made a(n) D.');
} if (0<= b < 60) {
alert('You made a(n) F.');
var count = 0;
function countLetter(aWord,aLetter){
for(var i=0; i<aWord.length; i++) {
if(aWord.charAt(i) == aLetter) {
var increment = '';
function eyeForI(aString) {
for(var i = 0; i<aString.length; i++) {
if(aString.charAt(i) == 'i' || aString.charAt(i) == 'I') {
increment= increment + "eye";
else {
increment = increment + aString.charAt(i);
var increment = '';
function wordMirror(aString) {
for(var i = aString.length; i>=0; i--) {
increment = aString.charAt(i) + increment;
function countDown(startNum, countBy) {
while(startNum>0) {
startNum = startNum - countBy
} {
function encryption(aString){
return aString.replace(/a/g, '@').replace(/e/g, '()').replace(/h/g, '#').replace(/l/g,'1').replace(/r/g,'+').replace(/s/g.'$').replace(/v/g,'^').replace(/x/g,'*');
<!-- -->
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