jeudi 26 mars 2015

The DOM is not rendering what it should

I have this JS:

function climat(code, isday, hour){
weather = {'113': (isday == "yes" && hour < 4) ? '<i class="sunn"></i>' : '<i class="moonn"></i>' }
return weather[code]

function Meteo(d) {
for (h = 1; h < 4; h++) {
alert(climat(meteo[d].hourly[h].weatherCode, meteo[d].hourly[h].isdaytime, h));
$("#meteo"+h).html(climat(meteo[d].hourly[h].weatherCode, meteo[d].hourly[h].isdaytime), h)

Now, I dont get what it should, I used for this the alert() and the tenary is ok, so what happens?

Here is test from the console:

meteo = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('meteo'))
[Object, Object, Object, Object, Object]
climat(meteo[3].hourly[2].weatherCode, meteo[3].hourly[2].isdaytime, 5)
"<i class="moonn"></i>"
climat(meteo[3].hourly[2].weatherCode, meteo[3].hourly[2].isdaytime, 4)
"<i class="moonn"></i>"
climat(meteo[3].hourly[2].weatherCode, meteo[3].hourly[2].isdaytime, 3)
"<i class="sunn"></i>"

Here is a screenshot, the class called is sunn, but it renders moonn:

enter image description here

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