lundi 29 décembre 2014

Render a component within another in React

When a state is changed, React triggers componentDidUpdate() method, and by then I do:

componentDidUpdate: function () {
React.render(new SubmitButton, $('.uploader-submit').get(0));

As you saw, I'm rendering a SubmitButton when a specific state is changed, but my question is: is this the best behavior to get this feature done?

My scenario is: I'm uploading a photo. When the input[type=file] is changed, I create a new state property and then the componentDidUpdate() is triggered, invoking the SubmitButton.

This is my render() method:

render: function () {
return (
<div className="uploader">
<header className="uploader-header">
<div className="uploader-actions pull-left">
<div className="uploader-submit"></div>
<CancelButton router={this.props.router} />

<UploadButton callback={this.imageSelectedCallback} />

<Preview imageUri={this.state.imageUri} />

Couldn't I do something like the <Preview /> component? I mean, it is there, but something just appears when this.state.imageUri is different of null. This is the implementation of Preview:

var Preview = {
render: function () {
return (
<img src={this.props.imageUri} />

module.exports = React.createClass(Preview);

Yes, I know — "Preview" is invisible by default because it is an image, but I want to know if there's another approach to reach what I want: to show something based on a state, using the render method.

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